Fantasy football’s growing popularity

Ethan Hill

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Around 75 million Americans play fantasy football every season, according to the New York Post. American football is by far one of the most popular sports in the United States, and fantasy football only proves that even further. ESPN, NFL, FOX, among many others, are all outlets that allow millions of fans to dedicate seventeen weeks a season to football.

For those unaware of how fantasy football works, it starts with a mock draft where the player drafts sixteen actual NFL players. In each week of the seventeen week regular season, players in the fantasy league go head to head with other players. Points are earned based on how well the NFL player does each week, based on passing yards, rushing yards, touchdowns, etc.

It’s for this reason that fantasy football gets serious. There are stats to be analysed, matchups to be examined, and players to be scrutinized. People around the country are serious about this stuff (me included), and MHS students are no exception.

Joe Chen, senior, is one of the 75 million who play it every season.

I really enjoy the competitiveness, and just winning.

— Joe Chen

“You cannot beat the satisfaction of winning,” Chen said. Chen also stated that he puts about one hour into fantasy every day at the height of the season.

Some players remain dissatisfied by their involvement in only one league. Akshay Ramakrishnan, senior, is in two leagues.

“One of them is an eight man, the other is a 12 man,” Ramakrishnan said. “Both are very competitive. I look forward to it every week.”

Fantasy football continues to grow every year because of the competition, growing fan base, and increasing talent in the NFL.

“I think it is growing because players are getting better. There are new players coming in, and everyone loves to watch football,” said Sujal Yagnik, senior, who is also in two competitive leagues.

The drive to play, to win, fuels players each year. Fantasy football is more than just a fad at this point, it has become a phenomenon that has taken over large groups of friends at MHS. It has, in a way, become an integral part of American culture.